Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, June 30, 2008




1. 时间总流程表及预算
- 方便自己,家人,朋友,好让他们更有效的帮助我们

2. 拍婚纱照
- 最好是三,四个月前拍
- 比如:五月结婚, 一月就要拍了
3. 拍婚纱照用品
- 老公白衣,黑裤,皮鞋
- 老婆鞋子
- 拍婚纱照的热身,要求朋友充当摄影师
4. 提亲
- 选择双方家长适合的日期及时间
- 娉金及择日表

5. 过大礼
- 女方准备糕饼
- 男方最好有代表过来
6. 女方 自由餐 及男方婚宴
- 最好早预定(要求家人帮忙)
7. 结婚用品
- 直接去结婚专卖店买 (通常都有配套,价钱不会便宜)
- 比如:‘Tam poi’
- 兄弟车的结婚纸
- 喜”字 (梳妆台)
- 床头灯等等
8. 必需买的东西 (以下我们没在专卖店买)
- 扇子 (三 个)便宜就好
- 一把红雨伞
- 新床单 (最好是红色)
- 新娘小包包
- 新郎与新娘的新衣服 (放在新娘房)
9. 结婚摆设品 (梳妆台)
- 化妆品,粉。。。等等
- 要绑上丝带哦
10. 结婚当天(化妆)
- 最好早预定 (两,三个月前)
- 早上化妆包括新娘与伴娘
- 早上化妆6.30开始,7.30搞定
- 傍晚化妆新娘而已
- 傍晚化妆5开始,6.30搞定
11. 准备红包
- 开车门 (男方一个,女方一个)
- 伴娘 – 一 个
- 伴郎 – 一 个
- 姐妹 (最好准备两个)
- 兄弟 (男方准备)
- 到男方家的女方团(男方准备)
- 到女方家的男方团(男方准备)
- 新娘车司机 – 一 个

Sunday, June 29, 2008


This is my second time to pump petrol after the nation big incident (petrol price raise from RM1.92/Litre to RM2.7/Litre, It is around 40% petrol price increment), before that everybody is talking which car is much petrol saver, which car is the best, which method can save petrol money, blah blah blah….that time I just concern and know Myvi petrol usage is around RM0.12…it is OK WHAT!!!

For me, since I already get the Myvi 1.0, and my average petrol spent is around RM0.14 per KM (drive with NEVER consider save petrol cost: drive fast and always sudden break), so I think I still can effort it, and never mind this kind of petrol issue.

But now action should be aware since my first petrol IN (After petrol raised) is around rm75 (it is fuel in before empty).OMG, normally that time pump in is around RM55-RM60.

I think I should follow and research which method is much convenience and effective to save petrol cost. I decided to keep slow drive (< 3K RPM)

For my first action and research report (until second time FUEL IN), I had drive around 500km for RM86 petrol price. My Myvi car already upgrade from petrol usage from RM0.14/Litre to RM0.172/Litre.

OMG, I think I should learn more cost saver to keep my life well……Ok lah, start to reduce the entertainment cost first,

ERM...want meh~~~~~~~~

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Good day everybody, long time no see

Nice to share something again
I miss out many important personal events (all is good happening) to share

But today I want to share a title: I THINK I DID A THING CALLED 'RASUAH'
Today is father day, but this matter doesn’t relate to father day. It is only a special day for my incident.

Today plan to go back company for OT, on the way to company, stop at a cross junction , but I didn’t stop in a correct way (I plan to turn right, but I stop in the left lane which propose only can go in front, but turn right and go straight is only by a single traffic green light)

So, after green light, I turned right, just a turned I already stop by a cop (JPJ), I knew I already did fault in regular road law (SALAH AND KENA SAMAN LOH), the cop ask my driving license and said I already drive in wrong way and have to SAMAN loh, I said it is OK, but the cop continue to say it is RM300, is expensive.

That time, I already plan to receive SAMAN, but I found what the cop said it have another choice to settle this case, I already know what the cop want, he asked me out then we go to their police car, he show me the SAMAN record, but still mention it is RM300 expensive SAMAN, anyway I just want SAMAN, another cop come and tell me, no worth to take this RM300 expensive SAMAN, and now they offer me have another way, I said WHAT, they said I should offer something fast to settle this.

Look like it is difficult to be a good guy.., I direct said I will offer some money (meanwhile I not sure it is a cop trap or not, just because our cop have running a program SAYA ANTI RASUAH) so I just waiting what will happen to me, the cop said I go back car first then prepare the money for them…

Soon, the police man come and get the money and return my driving license, what my mind on that time (to take the police man photo, car number, police register number..all is disappear)a, aiyoh~~~

So the case settles, I lost money, but I did the wrong example for you all, I think it is my first time RASUAH, (It won’t have second time)

Actually I hate corruption; corruption will make our country down (economy, politic…)
I would like to apologize for my stupid thing today….SORRY guy.

Sorry again for no Chinese version…